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Name = operation.product + + order.organizationCode + operation.totalAmount + order.catalogCurrency.currencyCode
secutix__SyncId__c  = operation operation.operationId
secutix__Organization__c  = order order.organizationCode
secutix__Space__c  = operation
secutix__ContactSTXNumber__c  = order order.contactReference
secutix__Item__c  = operation operation.itemDisplayExternalDesignation
secutix__Total_Amount__c  = operation operation.totalAmount
secutix__CatalogCurrency__c  = order order.catalogCurrency./currencyCode
secutix__Advantage__c  = operation operation.advantage
secutix__Tariff__c  = operation operation.audienceSubCategory
secutix__Contingent__c  = operation operation.contingent
secutix_ = operation operation.expirationDate
secutix__SecuTixFileId__c  = operation operation.fileId
secutix__MatchRound__c  = operation operation.match.round
secutix__MatchRoundCode__c  = operation operation.match.roundCode
secutix__OrderType__c  = order order.orderType
secutix__CreationDate__c  = order order.creationDateTime
secutix__SecuTixOrderId__c  = order order.orderId
secutix__Remark__c  = order order.remark
secutix__Description__c  = operation operation.itemDisplayExternalDesignation
secutix__Quantity__c  = operation operation.quantity
secutix__Unit_price__c  = operation operation.unitPrice
secutix__ProductFamily__c = OperationDatas(0)/productFamilyType
secutix__SalesChannel__c = salesChannelCode

There are some field that must remain in any configuration because are use to keep the synchronization and the link with the relevant contact. There are 'SyncId', which matches with the operationId in SecuTix, and 'ContactSTXNumber', which is used to find the contact in Salesforce linked to the sale via it own SyncId.
