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This error message is returned when SecuTix retries to cancel an order already cancelled in Skidata DTA. The order may have been cancelled on Skidata DTA side or SecuTix is processing to a retry. The latter case is a normal case and should raise no alarm.

7. How can I check for which order the error appeared?

If the error message indicates neither SecuTix order Id nor Skidata DTA order id, contact the support so that those information can be added.

8. How can I know, which customer was concerned in the error?

If the order was created with NOVA integration, SecuTix has no knowledge of the concerned client. The question must be asked to NOVA teams.

9. How could the customer load the swisspass even though the Skidata DTA interface is not yet set up?

VWO: A ticket can be load on swisspass if the product has this shipment mode associated. Swisspass loading does not need a Skidata interface. Product is l

Because Skidata DTA loading and Swisspass loading are different things.

When a ticket is "loaded on Swisspass", the following stuff happens:

  • SecuTix contacts Swisspass system and indicates to Swisspass systems that a given ticket was associated with the Swisspass. This call has NO effect on any access control. It only allows Swisspass user to consult their Swisspass account to check which tickets were loaded.
  • THEN, if the product is linked to Skidata, SecuTix also contacts Skidata DTA system and indicates that the given Swisspass is entitled to pass the gate at a given time. (see use case 1, above)

10. Why is there the same error message for controlled and out of validity tickets?


Message: Ticket has already been consumed


This message comes from Skidata DTA system. Please contact Skidata DTA support.

11. Referenced consumer category "ERWHTA16" is not defined" – What does this message mean?

This message comes from Skidata DTA system. Please contact Skidata DTA support.

12. Why are the different Skidata interfaces processing cancellations in a different way?

There is only one supported Skidata DTA interface integration (the v2). There is no "different way". The "old" implementation is not supported anymore

13. How can we reintegrate tickets in a Skidata interface, if we set up the interface after some sales have been done?

SecuTix offers no possibility to do that. The orders must be manually cancelled and re-created.

14. Why do we only receive a warning and not an error in the old Skidata interface when a cancellation is failing in Skidata, but working in Secutix?

"Old" implementation is not supported anymore. Any change in the implementation of Skidata DTA v2 must be filed as an evolution request and be paid.

15. Why are we not receiving email notifications for warnings in Skidata interfaces?

This is a global policy implemented in SecuTix.

Warnings are warning and should not trigger immediate action. Errors should trigger user action.