Versions Compared


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Field CodeField TypeMandatoryDescription
INSTITUTIONText 15YesInstitution code to import the data to.

Organization code owning the data to be imported.

By default, the organization code is the same as the institution code.

ORDER_NRNumberYesOrder number.
ORDER_DATEDateYesOrder date.


If importing a 'RESERVATION', the PAYMENT_DATE will be set to null.

START_DATEDate The validity start date of the non-dated pass.
END_DATEDate The validity end date of the non-dated pass.
DATE_FLAGText 50YesType of the validity date. 
Possible values: INPUTED or CALCULATED.
BUYING_CONTACT_NRNumber Buying contact number.
CULTURAL_CONTACT_NRNumber Cultural contact number. By default it is identical to the buying contact number.
SEASON_CODECodeYesSeason code of the non-dated pass.
PRODUCT_CODECodeYesProduct code of the non-dated pass.
ADVANTAGE_CODECode Advantage code.
TARIFFCodeYesTariff Code.
PRICEAmountYesPrice of the non-dated pass.

Vat rate in percent (eg: 1960 for 19.6% VAT).

There must be an active vat rate to link to in the configuration.

Additionally, the ORDER_DATE for the non-dated pass must be inside the validity dates configured for this vat rate.

CHARGEAmount Additional costs on top of the price. Eg: booking fee, exchange fee.
REMARKText Note or remark about this order.
PAYMENT_DATEDate If the operation type is 'RESERVATION' then the PAYMENT_DATE will be set to null.
TICKET_STATEText 50 State of the Ticket.
Possible values: blank (ie: no value), NOT_PRINTED, PRINTED, CONTROLLED
GENERATION_DATETimestamp if TICKET_STATE is blank (ie: no value) or NOT_PRINTED then GENERATION_DATE is set to null.
FISCAL_NUMBERText 50 A unique tax number for the ticket.
SHIPMENT_MODEText 50 If the TICKET_STATE is blank (ie: no value) or NOT_PRINTED, then the SHIPMENT_MODE wil

Shipment date.

If SHIPMENT_DATE is blank (ie: no value), then the SHIPMENT_DATE will be set with the ORDER_DATE.

BARCODEText 50 Bar code of the ticket. Mandatory if the ticket has been printed.