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  1. Table of documents
  2. Troubleshooting


Document ClassStandard Code
Info and purposeSet/sent from / when
Accompanying letterLettreGeneric email for backofficeSet Org>Document to send
or manually sent from File Details
Account creation emailNouvCptePreprod only (before GDPR) - Email sent when a new account is created in backofficenot to be used in production (pw is visible!)
Advantage notification emailAdvantEmail sent to notify a contact-type advantage is activeSent from Org>Contact>Advantage targeting
Artist waiting listArtWtLstWaiting list related - Alert email informing about artists' tours **under review
(implemented for German client /Myticket)
user must be registered through a widget implemented on external website
email are sent manually from Contact > Waiting list
Authorization confirmationAuthConfDouble opt in verification email (also waiting list related)

Set on TS > POS > Internet paramenter >

B2B account creation confirmationActCpte Email confirming of refusing B2B account creation

Set on TS > POS > Internet paramenter >

Bank transfer order recapVirCmdemainly related to France/UK **under reviewlimited to few French customers (ONP)/specific SEPA payment implementation - Email confirming a refund will be processed with a bank transfer
  1. Order refund with banktransfer
  2. generate a file to to be sent to the bank (agreement type = transfer, meaning → refund )
    Image Added
    → Generate File
  3. Sent when clicking on validate (to be tested)
Bank withdrawal order recapPrélCmdemainly related to France/UK **under reviewLikely not used anymore | Limited to few French customers (ONP)/specific SEPA payment implementation - Email confirming an order (direct debit) will be paid via bank account
  1. Order refund with banktransfer
  2. generate a file to to be sent to the bank (Bank Processing, order = direct debit/ transfer = refund )
    Image Added
    → Generate File
  3. Sent when clicking on validate (to be tested)
Basic emailRESTEM1not used / SAM related docnot to be used
Cancellation confirmation emailCanConfEmail sent by front-office for all cancellations (sales, reservations, options)Sent by ticketshops
Code list within emailCodeEmail with a list of single usage codes sent to structure relaysSent from Sales > Generate and distribute codes
Confirmation emailReqConfOption related - Email confirming or refusing the requestAutomatically sent according to option management
Confirmation product waiting listCfmPrdWtWaiting list related - Email confirming subscription to alert emails for given productWhen users subscribe to the waiting list online
Confirmation waiting listCfmWtLstWaiting list related - Email confirming subscription to alert emails for given event/artistWhen users subscribe to the waiting list online
Contact document[NONE]**under reviewlikely not used anymore
Credit note bank transfer recapVirAvmainly related to France/UK **under reviewlimited to few French customers (ONP)/specific SEPA payment implementation - Email confirming the credit note has been refunded with bank transfer
  1. generate a file to to be sent to the bank: agreement type = Account
    Image Added
    → Generate File
  2. Sent when clicking on validate (to be tested)
Credit note bank withdrawal recapPrélAvmainly related to France/UK **under reviewlimited to few French customers (ONP)/specific SEPA payment implementation - Email confirming a direct debit form bank transfer is performed to put money on credit note
  1. generate a file to to be sent to the
    Image Added
    → Generate File
  2. Sent when clicking on validate (to be tested)
Credit note receiptJusAvoirCredit note summaryunclearPDF providing balance info related to the credit note

Manually triggered from Sales > Credit balance
Image Added

E-commerce emailRESTEM3not used / SAM related doc not to be used
Exchange ticketsResaleOKEmail sent to se

Expired soon optionsAlExpOpOptions related - Email reminder about options' deadlines

Triggered by Org > Follow up options/reservation screen

File pro forma[NONE]Similar to an invoice(no standard model)
File recapRecapDosGeneric summary of file contents, generated (& possibly sent) for any orderSet Org>Document to send
or manually sent
Follow shipmentFolwShipRelated to old integration with DHL - Email with shipment tracking codelikely no longer working
Goods voucherCmdBoutMerchandising related - Summary including orders by goods/suppliersGenerated from Org>Goods>Purchase orders
Instalment payment failure emailPFInstEmail sent to notify payment failure in multiple installments by Credit Card
Instalment payment success emailPSInstEmail sent to notify payment success in multiple installments by Credit Card
Instalment reminder emailRemInstEmail sent to remind installments
Marketing SMS[NONE]Related to SAM SMS campaigns sent via Orange operator/wiki/spaces/IDOCFR/pages/42216143
Newsletter emailRESTEM2Repository document generated after SAM email campaignSent according to option management
Option order confirmationConfOpOption related - Email overview about the request (refused or accepted)Sent according to option management
Option request ack/acknowledgmentAccRecOpOption related - Email confirming the request has been submittedSent according to option management
Option request cancellation ack/acknowledgmentSupprOpOption related - Email confirming the cancellation of the requestSent according to option management
Option request modification ack/acknowledgmentModifOpOption related - Email confirming the modification of the request has been submittedSent according to option management
Options/bookings reminderOptRemOption related - Email alert regarding deadlines of the reservation (coming from a request)Sent according to option management
Option setting and refusal recapRecapOpOption related - Summary and details about seats reservedSent according to option management
Order  ack/acknowledgmentAccRécEmail sent acknowledging an order is still in progress / to be paid**under review, and confirmation will be sent laterSent by ticketshops when PSP takes a long time to confirm the payment
(also sent by back office with MOTO payment)
Order ack/acknowledgment with confirmationAcRecCfEmail sent by the ticketshop in case of reservation of free products only, plus other information related to shipment mode.When users reserve free products online
Order confirmationConfCmdEmail automatically sent after a sale with digital ticketsSent by ticketshops in case of sale
or sent by box/back office when digitial digital shipment is selected
Order invoiceFactCmde

Invoice, generated (& possibly sent) at sale time, for all front-office and back-office sales orders.

Can be used as "courtesy paper" invoice for countries needing electronic invoices

Set Org>Document to send
or manually sent from File Details

Order recap (static state)


Order summary not used by default, but HAS TO BE PRESENT for orders to be createdSet Org>Document to send
or manually sent from File Details


Order summary in TXT format to print summary on EPSON printersSet Org>Document to send
or manually sent from File Details
Order refusalRefusCmdEmail sent by the ticketshop in case or order refused due to payment problem
Partner[NONE]Related to CH/SBB only
Password changeChangMdPPreprod only (before GDPR) - Email sent when changing the user pw from backofficenot to be used in production (pw is visible!)
Pending account invoiceFactAttInvoice regarding pending account status
Pending account invoice (final state)[NONE]Invoice regarding pending account final status
Pre-request reminderReqRemOption related - Email reminder about pre-requestSent according to option management
ProdPrdWtLstEmail sent to notify new availaility for given productUsers must have sbscribed for waiting list
Refund paymentRfPayAckEmail sent to confirm refund on credit card or credit note accountMainly Triggered by MOTO /TPE refund – **under reviewrefund;
also, tickets bought on TS and refunded from box office (to be added in Document to send);
also, mass refund after event cancellation (batch)
Refund payment notification emailRfdNotifRelated to mass refund - Email sent to confirm the refund is in progressAutomatic email notification of refund payments
Registered mail[NONE]mainly related to UK/France **under reviewunclear

Request contact connection consentCtcCnsnt F&F related - Email sent to children contacts to confirm the connectionRequest explicit consent to use the Friends & Family feature
Request summaryReqSum File recap related to options
Reseivations reminder[NONE] Email reminder about reservations' deadlines

Triggered by Org > Follow up options/reservation screen

Reset operator passwordResOPass

 unclear status ** -

Jira Legacy
serverSecuTix JIRA Tracking System

Reset  passwordPassRes GDPR compliant password reset email with token

When users click on "forgot pw" on ticketshop and when  operators reset the pw on behalf of them (ORG>Contact)

Must be used in production

Resold ticket notification for cultural contact[NONE]Email sent to notify cultural contact about ticket resale
Season ticket subscription ack/acknowledgmentSouscAboMainly related to France **under review
sub renewal batch **under review
Summary with ISRBVRCH only
Tax Refund SummaryTaxRefRecap including information useful to ask refund for donation or membership
US only **under review

Jira Legacy
serverSecuTix JIRA Tracking System

Ticket ack/acknowledgmentRécBill Distribution related - Email sent to confirmed tickets have been distributedWhen users distribute tickets on B2B ticketshops, or B2C with distribution feature activated
Ticket details emailTktDtlEmal sent to confirm tickets have been printed
GEO related **under review

Ticket printing receipt[NONE]UK only? Receipt stating the correct reception of tickets
Ticket put on resale notificationResaleOnEmail sent to confirm tickets have been put on resale
Ticket removed from resale notificationResalOff Email sent to confirm tickets have been removed from resale
Waiting list optionsListAtOp Option related - Email sent to notify the request has been put on hold/waiting listSent according to option management
