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Welcome to SecuTix Piz Bernina V3

The third 2017 version of SecuTix 360° is focused on simplifying processes and offering your online customers more freedom. Give your championship pass holders the freedom to upgrade their seat for a specific match with a single click. Capture more contact data from your customers' communities (family and friends). Piz Bernina V3 also lets you manage visits more flexibly via new features in the sales calendar. In addition, on-map sales now allow you to manage contacts and advantages straight from the seat map.

All of us in the SecuTix team hope you enjoy exploring this new release!

Piz Bernina V3: key new features

Billet groupe, package, export iCal et autres améliorations des pass visite (Copy)

Group tickets, packages, export to iCal and other visit pass improvements 

Offer a group ticket for a visit pass at the single ticket rate. You can now configure packages containing flat rate or individual rate tickets. Export your visi

   Group tickets, packages, export to iCal and other visit pass improvements.

Offer a group ticket for a visit pass at the single ticket rate. You can now configure packages containing flat rate or individual rate tickets. Export your visit pass calendar to iCal. Manage time slots created on the fly exclusively. Configure visit pass sales more accurately.

Améliorations de la gestion des amis/familles (Copy)

Enhanced family/friends management


  Upgrade management depuis le guichet pour les abonnements championnats (Copy)

Manage championship pass upgrades from the box office

Perhaps a season-ticket holder asks for a better seat at a big match? Or you need to upgrade a child's season ticket to a full price ticket when it's actually an adult who turns up on match day? We kept your needs in mind when designing the upgrade management feature!

  Manage championship pass upgrades from the box office


Other new features and enhancemen

Piz Bernina V3 features a number of other enhancements.



title Rappel concernant le nouveau kit SecuTix et le Device Manager

A reminder about the new SecuTix kit and Device Manager


There is an update for the SecuTix Firefox kit which includes a new way of managing communication between cash desks and peripherals printers, payment terminals and cash drawers. This is the Device Manager installed along with Firefox, which now controls cash desk peripherals. It replaces the applets, which have been discontinued

If you haven't installed the new version yet, please go to How to install the SecuTix kit (Firefox and Device Manager)?


Améliorations techniques

Afin de suivre l'évolution du web et en particulier la suppression des applets java et des add-on des browsers, nous avons ouvert un grand chantier de ré-écriture de l'éditeur de plan de salle, de la détection du poste physique et de l'éditeur de maquette de billet. Ce chantier s'étalera sur plusieurs releases. La première étape visible sera le remplacement de l'add-on de détection du poste physique par une "web extension" livrée dans le kit Firefox Piz Bernina V3. Suivra ensuite une étape préparatoire pour gérer la transition entre l'éditeur de maquette et une application standalone, et ce en attendant la version définitive équipée d'une nouvelle interface utilisateur basée sur les dernières technologies HTML5.

D'autre part, comme à chaque release, de nombreuses librairies ont été mises à jour afin d'être à la pointe de la sécurité et d'améliorer les performances.

Nouveautés fonctionnelles proposées à travers l'intégration des solutions digitales de nos partenaires

Digitalisation : Payer à crédit avec Premium Credit UK (Copy)


Technical enhancements


To keep pace with developments in web technology, in particular removing dependence on using Java applets and browser add-ons, we've carried out a major rewrite of the seat map editor, workstation detection and the ticket model editor. This rewrite will be implemented gradually over several releases. The first tangible evidence will be the replacement of the workstation detection add-on by a web extension included in the Piz Bernina V3 Firefox Kit. Then, we'll deliver an intermediary step between the kit editor and a stand-alone application before rolling out the definitive version comprising a new, state-of-the art HTML5-based GUI..


As with every release, we've updated a number of libraries to ensure they offer the ultimate in security performance.

New features in the pipeline with integrated digital solutions from our partners

title Configurations supportées...