Refund your customers on credit card even if they have used multiple payments (e.g. if they paid an order using a credit card and customer credit), thanks to the improved refund batchStatus subtle true colour Green title NEW V2.0
Swiss customers can now print QR invoices instead of the old ESR/BVR slipStatus subtle true colour Green title NEW V2.0
Segmentation rules for seat assignment can be overridden at physical configuration or performance/match level (requires a service).Status subtle true colour Green title NEW V2.0
Two new action kinds that allow setting up documents to print/send when printing or cStatus subtle true colour Blue title UPCOMING
Previous refunds of single tickets inside a championship season ticket (e.g. following a resale, exchange or upgrade) are now correctly taken into account when refunding or exchanging the entire season ticket.Status subtle true colour Blue title UPCOMING
Questions with a length up to 1'000 characters may now be displayed on box office and ticket shop. To do so, simply add a public description to the question. This public description will be displayed on the box office and ticket shop instead of the question's name.Status subtle true colour Blue title UPCOMING
Options orders ("quotes") now allow to create options for the product family Open Products from the back-office.Status subtle true colour Blue title UPCOMING
Egypt is added to the list of countries supporting IBAN.Status subtle true colour Blue title UPCOMING
The marketplace barcode is upgraded to support more than up to 1'000 seasons. The change is backward compatible and will apply to new tickets without requiring any action on your side.Status subtle true colour Blue title UPCOMING
The lottery domains are now accessible via the Queries screen from the Institution context like for other domains. Learn more about accessing domains from queriesStatus subtle true colour Blue title UPCOMING