Domain - Comfort variables
Domain description
This domain contains the comfort variables' values of events and performances and corresponds to the view D_CONFIG_COMFORT_VARS_V1_0 in which:
1 record = 1 comfort variable's value of an event or a performance with information related to:
- Event (ID)
- Performance (ID)
- Comfort variable
- Value of the comfort variable in different languages
A record is identified in a unique way by means of all the follo
This domain is available since Whymper V1.
Domain's columns description
The following link contains more information related on the data of the domain: D_CONFIG_COMFORT_VARS_V1_0
Domain - List of areas
Domain description
This domain contains information on logical configurations' areas and corresponds to the view D_CONFIG_LOGICAL_AREA_V1_0 in which:
1 record = 1 area in the logical configuration with information related to:
- Logical configuration
- Area
- Seats quota
- Number of seats blocked or invalidated
A record is identified in a unique way by means of the attribute: LOG_AREA_ID
This domain is available since Whymper V1.
Domain's columns description
The following link contains more information related on the data of the domain: D_CONFIG_LOGICAL_AREA_V1_0
Domain - List of performances
Domain description
This domain contains the detailed information on the performances of an event and corresponds to the view D_CONFIG_LIST_PERF_V1_0 in which:
1 record = 1 performance with information related to:
- Event, season, etc. to which it belongs
- Name
- Date and time
- Location and its configuration
- Information specific to competitions (if performance represents a match)
- Information specific to "old" visits (if performance represents such a visit)
- Topic and sub-topic
- The producer of the event to which the performance belongs
A record is identified in a unique way by means of the attribute: T_PERFORMANCE_ID
This domain is available since Whymper V1.
Domain's columns description
The following link contains more information related on the data of the domain: D_CONFIG_LIST_PERF_V1_0
Domain - List of products
Domain description
This domain contains detailed information on the configured products and corresponds to the view D_CONFIG_PROD_LIST_V1_0 in which:
1 record = 1 product with information related to:
- Season, organization, product family, etc. to which it belongs
- Name
- Place to which it gives access (for passes)
- Topic and sub-topic
- Event/product producer
This domain is available since Whymper V1.
Domain's columns description
The following link contains more information related on the data D_CONFIG_PROD_LIST_V1_0
Domain - List of operators
Domain description
This domain contains information on operators and corresponds to the view D_OPERATOR_LIST_V1_0 in which:
1 record = 1 operator with information related to:
- Name
- Connection information
- Means of communication (email, phone number)
A record is identified in a unique way by means of all the following attributes: T_OPERATOR_ID, T_ORGANIZ_ID
This domain is available since Whymper V1.
Domain's columns description
The following link contains more information related on the data of the domain: D_OPERATOR_LIST_V1_0