Internet description URL : link to an external page that will appear behind the More Information link. This link is displayed after the Public description on the ticketshop. It aims at directing people to a page where you would usually present the product or the competition. To be used with care as it takes users out of the funnel.
Questionnaire : can questionnaire be associated to this competition (to all the matches included in the competition)?
In: définir des frais d'envois calculés au nombre de billet plutot qu'un montant global. En lien avec les frais d'envois. Doit on tenir compte des billets de ce produit dans le calcul des frais d'envois.
b) General | Parameter
Complement name (max 60 charac) :
Internal description : text field that can be used to insert particular comments that will remain on back office side.
Logo 1 : (max size 1 Mo) image that will be used to illustrate the product. This image will appear on the landing page and on different pages of the ticket shop. Depending on the setup of your landing page, you may want
More info on A dynamic shop window
Audience type :
Time flexibility : in hours and minutes, this field allows you to set the amount of time FROM the beginning of the match until which you will still be able to sell ticket. For exemple, a time tolerance set as 00:45 will result in having the match still available for sale up to 45 minutes after kick off.
Competition type : you can select there the competition type you have created in Initialization. This field determines which teams will be available for selection on the Calendar page.
"Master" Competition : will linked the competition you are creating to another existing competition. Thus, any change done on the master competition will impact the "child" competition. For example, changing the date and time of a match in the master League competition will change the date and time of the match in the Parking competition. NB : if my parking matches are set to start 1h before the League matches, then the change in the master competition will keep this delta between the two competitions.
Waiting list allowed : for cases where matches are sold out, and if the waiting list is activated, web users will have the ability to enter their email and declare their interest in buying tickets
Season ticket authorised : can this competition be taken through a season ticket product?
Tariff at which tickets belonging to a season ticket are resold on resale platform
Countermark accepted : lors de l'achat d'un billet sans avoir choisi l'événement, ou on a choisi la séance exacte mais sans avoir choisi la place. emission d'une contremarque
Ticket producer
1st catalogue number of performances : seance avec numéro catalogue. le premier numéro peut être défini.
Confirmation after reservation (days)