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More info on A dynamic shop window

Audience type : usually kept on All public. For organization handling specific events for Kids, setting Kid in there will trigger the indicator Children Product, allowing you to easily target purchaser of those products.

See : Standard indicators

Time flexibility : in hours and minutes, this field allows you to set the amount of time FROM the beginning of the match until which you will still be able to sell ticket. For exemple, a time tolerance set as 00:45 will result in having the match still available for sale up to 45 minutes after kick off.


Tariff at which tickets belonging to a season ticket are resold on resale platform : when using SecuTix resale platform, you can set that the resale of any tickets coming from the season ticket related to this competition will be resold at a particular tarif. The benefit there is usually to make sure that anyone coming on the resale platform can purchase any tickets available. And not have a scenario where a ticket coming from a child season ticket can only be purchased by a child. The reseller will only be refunded of the amount of his ticket within his season ticket, and the delta between this price and the price paid by the purchaser will be kept by you.

Countermark accepted : lors de l'achat d'un billet sans avoir choisi l'événement, ou on a choisi la séance exacte mais sans avoir choisi la place. emission d'une contr
