Versions Compared


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Prerequisite: create a Season, Tariffs (subscribed contact/structure), Price Level, Ticket models

Aim: create and manage your season tickets


Allow subscriber quality: indicates indicates whether the contacts become "subscriber" after purchasing this product. If yes, it will trigger Season Ticket Holder Indicator in Standard Indicators if activated.
It also means the customers will be entitled to access Subscriber Tariffs outside the season ticket.

               Minimum subscription lines: is the minimum number of lines to be chosen when the season ticket is purchased

               Maximum subscription lines: is the maximum number of lines allowed by the season tickets

               Separate events:  ??

Price level: it allows to select among the "Subscriber" Price level predefined in Organization | Initialization | Price level. It is mandatory.

Internet cultural contact: defines if cultural contact is optional/mandatory/not required for online sales

Same seat: as well as general configuration limits the overlapping between simple tickets and season tickets sales, if set as "yes" the system will pick the same seat for all the performances selected with the season ticket.
                   Whereas this is not possible, the system will suggest the most similar seats (according to best-seat algorithm)

Multi-seasons: allows to use the product across different seasons

Automatic renewal: if yes, required the activation and configuration of the Season Ticket renewal batch. The related fiels "Number of season" will be activated if so in order to allow the imputation.

Contingent: allows to select an existing contingent that will be considered as the only one available for this product.
                     It means that only the seats configured as

                 Calculated price



                 ♦ Predefined/Fixed-price
