- Go to Settings Page > Select the correct Mobile App ID
Detailed setting keys
Variable Name | Variable Description | Backend Key |
Burger Menu: Item 1 Title | Title of the menu item for the external website | promo.external.menu.title |
Burger Menu: Item 1 Description | Sub-text of the menu item for the external website | promo.external.menu.description |
Event List: Promo 1 Title | Title of the box in the event list for the external website | promo.external.event.title |
Event List: Promo 1 Description | Sub-text of the event list for the external website | promo.external.event.description |
Event List: Promo 1 URL | Multilingual link to an external website | promo.external.link |
Burger Menu: Item 2 Title | Title of the menu item for the other app | promo.otherapp.menu.title |
Burger Menu: Item 2 Description | Sub-text of the menu item for the other app | promo.otherapp.menu.description |
Event List: Promo 2 Title | Title of the box in the event list for the other app | promo.otherapp.event.title |
Event List: Promo 2 Description | Sub-text of the event list for the other app | promo.otherapp.event.description |
Event List: Promo 2 URL | Multilingual link to an other app | promo.otherapp.link |
App download link in Emails | Multilingual link to branded app | app.dl.link |
App name in Emails | Multilingual app name | |
Push Notifications at ticket injection: content | Content of the push notification recieved at injection | notification.inject.content |
Push Notifications at ticket injection: title | Title of the push notification recieved at injection | notification.inject.title |
Push Notifications transfer recipient: content | Content of the push notification recieved by recipient of transfer | notification.received.content |
Push Notifications transfer recipient: title | Title of the push notification recieved by recipient of transfer | notification.received.title |
Push Notifications transfer sender: content | Content of the push notification recieved by sender of transfer | notification.sent.content |
Push Notifications transfer sender: title | Title of the push notification recieved by sender of transfer | notification.sent.title |
Push Notifications at ticket deletion: content | Content of the push notification recieved when a ticket is deleted | notification.deleted.content |
Push Notificationsat ticket deletion: title | Title of the push notification recieved when a ticket is deleted | notification.deleted.title |
Push Notifications at delete resale pending content | A ticket for $$event.name$$ has been being resold | notification.deleted.resale-pending.content |
Push Notifications at delete resale pending title | Ticket being resold | notification.deleted.resale-pending.title |
Push Notifications at delete resale cancelled content | A reselling ticket for $$event.name$$ has been cancelled | notification.deleted.resale-cancelled.content |
Push Notifications at delete resale cancelled title | Reselling ticket cancel | notification.deleted.resale-cancelled.title |
Push Notifications at delete resold content | A ticket for $$event.name$$ has been resold | notification.deleted.resold.content |
Push Notifications at delete resold | Ticket resold | notification.deleted.resold.title |
Push Notifications at ticket activation: content | Content of the push notification recieved when a ticket is activated | notification.activated.content |
Push Notificationsat ticket activation: title | Title of the push notification recieved when a ticket is activated | notification.activated.title |
Push Notifications at transfer cancelation: content | Content of the push notification recieved when a transfer is canceled by sender | notification.cancel.content |
Push Notifications at transfer cancelation: title | Title of the push notification recieved when a transfer is canceled by sender | notification.cancel.title |
Push Notifications at transfer accept title | Title of the push notification received by sender when transfer is accepted by the receiver | notification.acknowledge.accepted.title |
Push Notifications at transfer accept content | Content of the push notification received by sender when transfer is accepted by the receiver | notification.acknowledge.accepted.content |
Push Notifications at transfer reject title | Title of the push notification received by sender when transfer is rejected by the receiver | notification.acknowledge.rejected.title |
Push Notifications at transfer reject content | Content of the push notification received by sender when transfer is rejected by the receiver | notification.acknowledge.rejected.content |
Push Notifications at transfer have been auto_canceled successfully title | Title of the push notification received by sender when transfer is auto canceled by TIXNGO system | notification.information.automaticallycancel.title |
Push Notifications at transfer have been auto_canceled successfully content | Content of the push notification received by sender when transfer is auto canceled by TIXGO system | notification.information.automaticallycancel.content |
Push Notification at session logout title | Title of the push notification received by a user at session logout | notification.logout.title |
Push Notification at session logout content | Content of the push notification received by a user at session logout | notification.logout.content |
Push Notifications at ticket update: content | Content of the push notification received when a ticket's information is updated by organizer | noti |
Push Notifications at ticket update: title | Title of the push notification received when a ticket's information is updated by organizer | notification.update.ticket.title |
Email subject at ticket injection | Email subject received by initial spectator when a ticket is injected | email.invitation.inject.subject |
Email body at ticket injection | Email body received by initial spectator when a ticket is injected | email.invitation.inject.body |
Email subject at ticket transfer to unknown account | Email subject received by recipient of transfer when account is not in TIXNGO system | email.invitation.approval.subject |
Email body at ticket transfer to unknown account | Email body received by recipient of transfer when account is not in TIXNGO system | email.invitation.approval.body |
Email subject at ticket transfer to known account | Email subject received by recipient of transfer when account is already in TIXNGO system | email.information.approval.subject |
Email body at ticket transfer to known account | Email body received by recipient of transfer when account is already in TIXNGO system | email.information.approval.body |
Email subject at ticket transfer cancellation | Email subject received by recipient of transfer when transfer is cancelled | email.information.cancel.subject |
Email body at ticket transfer cancellation | Email body received by recipient of transfer when transfer is cancelled | email.information.cancel.body |
Email subject for reminders | Email subject received when spectator gets a reminder (has not downloaded his ticket yet) | email.reminder.subject |
Email body for reminders | Email body received when spectator gets a reminder (has not downloaded his ticket yet) | email.reminder.body |
Email subject at ticket deletion | Email subject received by spectator when a ticket is deleted | email.delete.subject |
Email body at ticket deletion | Email body received by spectator when a ticket is deleted | email.delete.body |
Email subject at transfer has been auto_canceled successfully (to recipients) | Email subject received by spectator(transfer receiver) when a ticket is auto_canceled | email.information.automaticallycancel.recipient.subject |
Email body at transfer has been auto_canceled successfully (to recipients) | Email body received by spectator(transfer receiver) when a ticket is auto_canceled | email.informati |
Email subject at transfer has been auto_canceled successfully (to senders) | Email subject received by spectator(transfer sender) when a ticket is auto_canceled | email.information.automaticallycancel.sender.subject |
Email body at transfer has been auto_canceled successfully (to senders) | Email body received by spectator(transfer sender) when a ticket is auto_canceled | email.information.automaticallycancel.sender.subject |
Registration Configuration
Variable Name | Variable Description | Backend Key |
First name | Mandatory: it is required, spectators need to input on mobile apps | profile.display.firstname |
Last name | Mandatory: it is required, spectators need to input on mobile apps | profile.display.lastname |
Gender | Mandatory: it is required, spectators need to input on mobile apps | profile.display.gender |
Birth date | Mandatory: it is required, spectators | profile.display.birthdate |
Nationality | Mandatory: it is required, spectators need to input on mobile apps | profile.display.nationality |
Passport number | Mandatory: it is required, spectators need to input on mobile apps | profile.display.passportnumber |
Phone number | Mandatory: it is required, spectators need to input on mobile apps Optional: it is not required, and visible on mobile apps Not Visible: it is not visible on mobile apps | profile.display.phonenumber |
Address | Mandatory: it is required, spectators need to input on mobile apps Optional: it is not required, and visible on mobile apps Not Visible: it is not vi | profile.display.address |
Birth city | Mandatory: it is required, spectators need to input on mobile apps Optional: it is not required, and visible on mobile apps Not Visible: it is not visible on mobile apps | profile.display.birthcity |
Birth country | Mandatory: it is required, spectators need to input on mobile apps Optional: it is not required, and visible on mobile apps Not Visible: it is not visible on mobile apps | profile.display.birthcountry |
Residence country | Mandatory: it is required, spectators need to input on mobile apps Optional: it is not required, and visible on mobile apps Not Visible: it is not visible on mobile apps | profile.display.residencecountry |
Preferred language | Mandatory: it is required, spectators need to input on mobile apps Optional: it is not required, and visible on mobile apps Not Visible: it is not visible on mobile apps | profile.display.preferredlanguage |
Promo email | Mandatory: it is required, spectators need to input on mobile apps Optional: it is not required, and visible on mobile apps Not Visible: it is not visible on mobile apps | profile.display.check.promoemail |
Third-party promo email | Mandatory: it is required, spectators need to input on mobile apps Optional: it is not required, and visible on mobile apps Not Visible: it is not visible on mobile apps | profile.display.check.tppromoemail |
Tracking | Mandatory: it is required, spectators need to input on mobile apps Optional: it is not required, and visible on mobile apps Not Visible: it is not visible on mobile apps | profile.display.check.tracking |
Assignment Configuration
Variable Name | Variable Description | Backend Key |
Assign reason | Mandatory: it is required, spectators need to i | assign.display.reason |
First name | Mandatory: it is required, spectators need to input on mobile apps | assign.display.firstname |
Last name | Mandatory: it is required, spectators need to input on mobile apps | assign.display.lastname |
Birth date | Mandatory: it is required, spectators need to input on mobile apps | assign.display.birthdate |
Email holder | Mandatory: it is required, spectators need to input on mobile apps | assign.display.emailholder |
Phone number | Mandatory: it is required, spectators need to input on mobile apps | assign.display.phonenumber |
Address | Mandatory: it is required, spectators need to input on mobile apps Optional: it is not required, and visible on mobile apps Not Visible: it is not visible on mobile apps | assign.display.address |