New featuresThis is a major release of SecuTix. The complete list of featured delivered in this new here.
Bug fixes
86907] Seat category are displayed as sold out when they should not
86953] Campaign emails are no longer sent from SAM
87727] Impossible to generate any ticket when season number is bigger than 99
86406] Rate tables are not duplicated when creating a new season
86134] Hospitality room filter does not work without reloading the map, after doing some modifications
86525] Gygia link lost after applicati
86190] Impossible to edit physical configuration seat maps
87051] Saferpay: transactions recorded as reservations instead of payments
86004] Parking request batch is not executing correctly
86003] If there is no availability for the room passed as parameter in the hospitality selection page URL, the next available room is selected while an error message should be displayed
86844] Hospitality rooms are not displayed with the correct color in the seat map
87187] The event id created by the theater mode when the barcode is extended are wrong
87627] Time incoherencies are observed for visit pass in the box office calendar, due to differences between winter and summer time
85635] External Entrances are not displayed in beta seat map editor
85882] Hospitality widget should not show real availabilities, except in B2B2C sales channels
86964] Autoload tickets on card is not anymore working for memberships
84938] A technical error occurs when trying to complete the information an account in the ticket shop
87761] Contiguous seats are displayed as non-contiguous in the ticket shop, when the plan is created with the new editor
85316] An error occurs when changing logical configurations of matches
85795] Multiple hospitality room selection through URL parameters is not working
86133] External entrances filter does not work in the seat map
86696] Specific VISA cards are not detected correctly in the ticket shop
86612] Technical error when udpating description of season ticket/package
86568] Sales and questionnaire report does not take into account the name update of performance
86474] The auto generated email "letter for partner" (accounting report domain) has wrong content
86038] Advantages are not showed correctly in the ticket shop landing page.
86449] The sales quantity is inconsistent in price components
86399] "Subscribed community" tariffs are not displayed for product option allocations
86330] Seats are not showing correctly in the seat map when selling performances via packages only
86258] Timeslot information is not displayed correctly in the visit calendar
[STX-86107] SAP Interface: wrong invoice payment methods are selected if payments via credit card are failed
85075] Incorrect pending account balance when purchasing package with charges
85016] Manual row numbering not working correctly in the new seat map editor
84874] Button colors are not correctly displayed in the ticket shop landing page
85532] Charges of package are displayed incorrectly in search pending account screen
85939] Widget API does not work correctly, and the widgets are not displayed as they should
85884] It is not possible to copy a non-dated pass from one season to another
[STX-85822] SwissPass QR code does not work with access control
85772] Promotions are not displayed correctly in touch screen box office
85741] Wrong error message displayed when deleting white lists
85742] A timeout error is displayed when viewing pending account information in back office screens
85734] Cannot link a new gate to a sector in the access control
85668] Logos appear twice in the ticket shop landing page
84578] Matches with unconfirmed dates are not displayed as such in the ticket shop landing page
[STX-84342] Hospitality parking portal: wrong status is displayed in request dashboard
84520] Order confirmation email is generated before the order is closed
84843] Duplicated price grids take the name of the product
85601] It is not possible to delete a tariff in a visit pass
85754] Neighbour seat changes are not saved in the new seat map editor
84612] There are discrepancies between reports generated from the access control and the ones generated from the report module (number of controlled tickets)
86062] Reservation reports do not consider shipping cost
86221] A technical error occurs when duplicating memberships
85961] Error in the computation of field value of Skidata "intelligent" barcode
86254] Missing zone information for non-number seats in report "Cultural History"
86266] When changing a grid from a performance, the information message is not clear
86502] Comfort variables are not copied correctly, while copying or duplicating a package
[STX-86593] Facebook login is not working
85412] Free tickets rates are selected as default value for members if no specific prices are defined for them
86035] Questionnaire questions are not ordered correctly in the box office
86072] Visit pass planning remarks are not stored correctly into the file remarks
85258] An error occurs when campaign status in SAM changes
85560] API for structure creation should return the contact id
85768] An error message is displayed when modifying email templates
85282] Normalizations returned by QAS are not taken in account by SecuTix
[STX-86621] Events with membership rates cannot be purchased
85105] Chinese characters should not be authorized in First name / Last name
85317] Membership status is still available to contacts that reached membership expirations
84839] Search contact in SOAP interface is too slow
84990] It is not possible to save email templates for SAM campaigns
87272] SwissPass QRCode does not work correctly with turnstiles (access control)
87080] Some spanish translations are incorrect
85981] Filters in the seat map (sales/reservation) are not working correctly
85955] Accessibility ticket numbers displayed in lottery dashboards are wrong
[STX-84832] Order receipts are not showing correctly the amount paid and the change when the customer pays in Euro
86554] It is not possible in certain cases to associate sales channels to contingents
87196] In the marketing campaign configuration, information about targeted public for an advantage is not clear.
85566] Within some configurations, waiting accounts are displaying an incorrect balance
84880] Self-payment of VAT does not issue invoice systematically
86402] Public description is displayed incorrectly on ticket shops (bold + italic styles)
85584] It is not possible to display the planning for visit pass after modifying participants
86263] Visit pass with more than 10,000 timeslots cannot be displayed in the ticket shop
86580] Misspelling in the introduction text for season tickets (ticket shop)
When the operator doesn't have rights on a sales channel, he is not clearly informed
85462] The exception rate tables still appear while choosing "Standard" rate tables only
86367] Advantage: the warning message is incorrect if the selected quantity is above the limitation per order in the ticket shop
[STX-85731] Total quotas are wrongly computed when copying non-dated pass from old seasons
86302] It is not possible to change area types in the new seat map editor
84886] Under some circumstances, it is not possible to validate B2B contacts
87235] The file summary document is not sent when refunding zero price items
85437] Contacts that are not in authorized contact lists can access corresponding C2C sales channels
85605] Negative prices are some times displayed in the ticket shop landing page
84607] Some seat categories are not displayed in public screens
[STX-85555] Impossible to select contingent is seatmap filter
86589] Rank of the logical zone is not respected, unless it is modified manually for each session
86562] RFID delivery is available even though the customer is not a season ticket holder and the configuration explicitly restricts it
85653] Dropdown arrows not shown correctly for Internet Explorer 11 users (ticket shop)
86623] 3D view of seatmap doesn’t scale correctly in Internet Explorer (ticket shop)
86261] An error occurs when selecting "next month" for conditional cross selling
85021] Some not normalized address are erroneously displayed as normalized
85539] The layout of the ticket shop for the validation step in season ticket purchase process is broken
85603] An incorrect information is displayed for contacts in distribution process
85466] Tariff limit does not work correctly in the ticket shop
86509] It is not possible to choose seats of non-numbered areas in the ticket shop
86887] Footer is not displayed at the right place for mobile devices (ticket shop)
87144] Optional questions not answered in a questionnaries are not displayed on the "Questionnaires" reports
87344] The report "visit planning" is not showing themes that are invalidated
87232] In the sales period configuration, the check on sales start time is incorrect for relative dates
Bug fixes
87107] Distribution on ticket shop: the instruction on seat map is not clear
87290] A technical error prevents sales on the vending machine when multiple payment methods are configured
87343] New seat map does not display seat colors correctly at different zoom levels for gates
84846] B2B register page is missing the third level of structure types
85944] Refund payment document: total refund amount is incorrect
87171] Reservations reminder email does not
show the correct deadline to pay the reservations
86622] Impossible to buy additional seats in the ticket shop
87054] Missing translations in MOTO payment screens
86596] Incorrect management of the local time is causing an an error message to appear when showing the SecuTix login screen
86836] Seat category field is too short in option limitation screens
85673] Hospitality catalogue widget is missing bundle product type filter
84383] Changes are not saved remotely in the new seat map editor
84587] Blocks can not be re-assigned in physical configuration screens of the new seat map editor
84739] Missing images for hospitality rooms in REST API
87441] Order summary document for ticket shop was generated even it is not configured in documents to send
87012] Filter by Guide not working properly in planning calendar for visit pass
86114] Impossible to differentiate the performances when they have the same date (package configuration screens)
85997] Unavailable payment methods should be hidden when modifying a payment or paying with installments
85211] An error occurs when trying to do an exchange or a refund
85280] Row numbers are not linked correctly to the row in the new seat map editor
86863] Display issue for optimal selection view mode in the new seat map editor
85089] Public description is displayed incorrectly on passbook tickets
87192] Visit pass sales tolerance is not respected in touch cart
86260] Refund batch is refunding ticket from other payment methods
[STX-87221] Season ticket holder reservation batch does not end the execution correctly
85985] Missing information when duplicating a logical configuration
87157] A generic error message is displayed when paying installments of pending account
86317] Closure of cash desk on suspended sales channela should not open a new cash desk
85946] Can't execute the batch "cancel single performance" if the dispatch refund batch is already planned
[STX-86612] Technical error when udpating description of season ticket/package
[STX-86568] Sales and questionnaire report does not take into account the name update of performance
[STX-86474] The auto generated email "letter for partner" (accounting report domain) has wrong content
[STX-86472] EFC- Select automatically the card of the current season
[STX-86176] [RAILAWAY] Wrong translation in DE
[STX-86038] [BFCG] Advantage not showed correctly at the landing page.
[STX-86513] FIFAT - Polish internal codes are not included
[STX-86496] CLONE - [BFCG] Advantage not showed correctly at the landing page.
[STX-86449] The sales quantity is inconsistent in price components
[STX-86399] CLONE - Product option allocations: Missing "Subscribed community" tariffs
[STX-86330] Performance sold via package only > Selected seats are not shown on 3d seat map
[STX-86258] Cannot view timeslot info on Calendar (by Day/Week)
[STX-86178] Enable "label.products.sportingEvent.versus" to be customizable on Landing Page / shopping cart
[STX-86158] ONP - No more logs for old vending machine
[STX-86107] UEFA SAP Interface: Wrong invoice payment method if failed credit card payments
[STX-85075] Incorrect pending account balance when purchasing package with charges
[STX-85016] Manual row numbering bugged - beta seat map editor
[STX-84874] [REIMS] Button colors does not change in the landing page
[STX-85532] Charges of package was load incorrectly in search pending account screen
[STX-85473] [LVAN] Incorrect value date after canceling a payment -BO
[STX-85362] MUROMA- Frequent failure on TPE payment with Accompte - 1-2 cases pro day
[STX-85284] CLONE - [LVAN] Missing message -guides
[STX-85283] Empty language selection popup in PLAY demo TS
[STX-85939] [All Slots] -widget API has stopped working, and the widgets are not generated correctly
[STX-85929] UEFA PP15 / P15 - export payments to SAP has 2 identical date filters (one is broken)
[STX-85911] CLONE - CLONE - T20 malfunction
[STX-85884] [OLMA] Not possible to copy a pass non-dated from one season to other in pp - always
[STX-85827] CLONE - [OLMA] RTI import one operation with ABANDON state with TICKET, causing that ticket is not blacklisted.
[STX-85822] QR code in SwissPass does not work with Access control
[STX-85807] ONP - View DWH_ONP_3_2_SALE
[STX-85797] CLONE - [REIMS] Button colors does not change in the landing page
[STX-85772] promotion shows wrong results in touchscreen
[STX-85741] Wrong error message when deleting white list
[STX-85742] Gateway Time-out error while viewing pending account
[STX-85734] Cannot link a new gate to a sector in the access control
[STX-85719] FIFAT - Polish interna
[STX-85668] The logo appears twice on the landing page
[STX-84639] Problem with deleting seats
[STX-84578] add "to confirm" for dates to confim in the landing page (product card)
[STX-84342] #Regression: Hospitality parking portal: wrong status displayed in Request Dashboard
[STX-84573] T63 - Missing data
[STX-84520] Order confirmation email is generated before the order is closed
[STX-84989] Pb création nouvelle grille tarifaire
[STX-84843] Duplicate the grid take the name of the product
[STX-85601] [ASPRO] [LAQ] Impossible to delete a tariff in a visit pass
[STX-85253] FIF
[STX-85591] ALL CUSTOMERS - SAM campaign can not be configured anymore
[STX-85754] Neighbour seat changes are not saved - BETA
[STX-84612] Imbalances between reports from the AC and the reports from the report module for the number of controlled tickets
[STX-85776] UEFA PP15 - HOSP webshop - cannot buy hosp of events without logical configuration
[STX-85796] Upload to RFID, additional tickets not working properly
[STX-86179] P50: Error while filtering by Order date
[STX-86062] [OAB] - Reservation reports do not consider shipping cost
[STX-86221] CLONE - Technical error when duplicate a membership because of the logo
[STX-85960] B2B2C > wrong redirection after login
[STX-85961] Error in the computation of field Value of Skidata "intelligent" barcode
[STX-86254] Missing zone info for non-number seat in report "Cultural History"
[STX-86266] CLONE - When you change a grid from a performance the message is not clear
[STX-86110] Export CSV configuration incorrect - FIFAT
[STX-86502] Comfort variables are not copied while copying or duplicating package
[STX-86729] Impossible to activate operators created in PROD in PRE-PROD
[STX-86593] Facebook OAuth Log-in is not working
[STX-86806] Revert all changes from STX-86035
[STX-85412] [TBA] Free tickets set as default for members if no prices defined for member
[STX-86035] [ENA] Strange order of questionnaire questions at BO- always
[STX-84802] CLONE - [MDC] Error in the touch pad - always
[STX-86072] VP Planning remarks not updated into file remark & Export button in Calendar cannot view text, need to zoom out to view
[STX-85258] Error during automatic SAM campaign status changing
[STX-85560] UEFA - API for structure creation should return contact ID
[STX-86058] CLONE - Error during automatic SAM campaign status changing
[STX-85768] Strange error message while modifying email template
[STX-85282] Normalization : many normalization returned by QAS are not taken in account by SecuTix
[STX-86621] CLONE - CLONE - Can't buy event with membership tariff
[STX-85105] Chinese characters should not be authorized in First name / Last name
[STX-85317] CLONE - Membership status still available even expired date reached
[STX-86170] Run cron tab to update hashIdentifier on OPLIL P16
[STX-84839] UEFA - Search contact in SOAP interface is too slow
[STX-84994] artishoc - contacts dans cible sans criteres
[STX-84990] [TCE] Cannot save email template for SAM campaign
[STX-87272] SwissPass QRCode doesn't work with Turnstile
[STX-87080] Some spanish translations are incorrect
[STX-85981] [LCCC]- Filters in the Seat map within sales-reservation is not working correctly
[STX-85955] Accessibility ticket numbers displayed in Lottery dashboards are wrong
[STX-85080] Reprise 49419. Modification du contact d'un dossier. Gestion des envois KO
[STX-85630] U6 value for DCM cookie
[STX-86337] [EFC] File status is "In progress"
[STX-84832] [NES] Order receipt not showing correctly the amount paid and the change when the customer pays in EUR
[STX-87169] Export for VIVATICKET: support specific IREC dat format
[STX-85444] [CITM] Wrong error message
[STX-86768] Problem with Event - Session datetime in BO
[STX-85966] LATAM - Problem with season tickets dates in BO / Winter /Sommer time/Client in other timezone
[STX-86554] Can't add sales channels to contingent
[STX-84822] The creation of a new instituion doesn't create a new encryption key
[STX-87196] In the marketing campaign configuration, Information on targeted public for an advantage is not clear.
[STX-85566] ONP / LHC : Waiting account with incorrect balance
[STX-85553] Old Vending Machine - Incorrect printing's point of sale shown in file details
[STX-84880] FIFATRY - self-payment of VAT does not issue invoice systematically
[STX-86402] Public description is displayed incorrectly on web shop (bold + italic styles)
[STX-85584] CLONE - Can't see a planning visit pass after modifying participants
[STX-86263] Visit pass that has more than 10,000 timeslots doesn't appear on the ticketshop (part 1 - availability)
[STX-86580] Misspelling in the introduction of subscription
[STX-87155] When the operator doesn't have rights on sales channel, he is not clearly informed
[STX-85462] CITM: The exception rate tables still appear while choosing "Standard" rate table only
[STX-86367] Advantage: The warning message is incorrect if selected quantity > limitation per order
[STX-86679] Display problem: The institution internal name field is small and the selected tariffs grid is not aligned with the unselected tariffs grid
[STX-85731] Total quota are wrong while copying pass non-dated from the old season
[STX-86302] No option to change Area type in Seat map editor
[STX-84886] CLONE - Can't validate B2B contacts
[STX-87235] The file summary document is not sent when refunding 0 price items
[STX-85231] The date of created_on_the_fly timeslot is greater than end date of the season: KO
[STX-85437] Contacts are not in authorized contact list can login to the C2C sales channel
[STX-85547] SAM Target: Results of Contact address lines not empty (optimized) are not correct
[STX-85605] Negative price on landing page
[STX-84607] Missing categories on the public screen
[STX-85555] Impossible to select contingent is seatmap filter
[STX-86589] Rank of the logical zone is not respected, unless it is modified manually for each session
[STX-85084] When I save a seat map, it is automatically saved as a map a in a Physical configuration
[STX-85582] Change the french translation for post setting
[STX-84807] CLONE - "Undefined" appears on filtering screen instead
[STX-85816] Touch cart: Technical error due to "Row was updated or deleted by another transaction" error
[STX-84889] [TFC] Option web Afficher les avantages inaccessibles pour le contact KO
[STX-86162] ONP - Visit shipment mode hack - Mass printing button available for tickets delivered by Post
[STX-86562] RFID delivery is available even though the customer is not a season ticket holder and the configuration explicitly restricts it
[STX-85660] [ASPRO] Unable to pay with credit note in pre-production
[STX-85653] [BFCG] Dropdown arrow not shown on IE v11
[STX-85563] [EVZ]
[STX-86623] 3D view of seatmap doesn’t scale correctly at Internet Explorer
[STX-84715] Slider on TS Landing page having issue
[STX-86261] NPE While selecting next month in conditional cross selling
[STX-85021] CLONE - ONP - Some not normalized address have the state Normalized
[STX-85809] [VIDY] - Problem with setting up packages
[STX-85621] Can't finish order with total amount=0
[STX-86710] Customer is able to click the block that no more available seat on ticket shop and gets error
[STX-85539] LATAM - [BAC] TS layout issue for season tickets validation step
[STX-85210] Distribution > The instruction on seat map is not clear in French
[STX-85241] classement des événement sur carroussel [regression with order of items in slider]
[STX-85603] ONP- Incorrect display of the info of another contact in distribution process
[STX-86827] Enable "label.products.sportingEvent.versus" to be customizable on shopping cart page
[STX-85466] [CPR] Tariff limit does not work correctly at the TS
[STX-85295] [UEFA] adapt selection label depending on the cart
[STX-86509] Cannot choose seats of non-numbered areas in one TS
[STX-86887] Footer is not displayed at the right place on mobile device
[STX-86814] Can choose unnumbered area at TS altough it is sold out
[STX-87144] Optional questions not answered in a questionnaries are not displayed on the "Questionnaires" reports
[STX-87344] The report"visit planning" is not showing themes that are invalidated
[STX-87232] In the sales period configuration, the check on sales start time is incorrect for relative date
[STX-87149] Footer is not displayed at the right place on mobile devices
[STX-87107] Distribution on ticket shop: the instruction on seat map is not clear
[STX-87310] CLONE - Ticketshop : cannot filter by venue FIFAT
[STX-87290] A technical error prevents sales on the vending machine when multiple payment methods are configured
[STX-87343] New seat map does not display seat colors correctly at different zoom levels for gates
[STX-84846] B2B register page missing 3rd level of structure type
[STX-85944] Refund payment document: Total refund amount is incorrect
[STX-87171] Reservations reminder email does not show the correct deadline to pay the reservations
[STX-85836] Duplicated queries found in catalog export process
[STX-84407] During refund of credit card payment with multi-payments load payments from right contact
[STX-85756] ONP - Create an invoice use the parameter only the first time
[STX-86622] Impossible to buy additional seats on TS
[STX-86919] Contact Individual/Structure - TicketShop User profile - Main address incorrect Province Select element - Pamplona
[STX-86566] Contact Main address incorrect Province Select element
[STX-85178] When you flip elements and modify, they come back original position
[STX-87054] Missing translation in MOTO screen
[STX-86596] Incorrect management of the local time is causing an an error message to appear when showing the SecuTix login screen
[STX-86836] Seat category field too short in option limitation screen
[STX-85642] Structure name not correctly copied when creating a structure from an individual
[STX-85673] UEFA - Hospitality catalogue missing bundle product type filter
[STX-84383] Changes are not saved remotely in seat map editor for HUN.BUD
[STX-84587] Blocks can not be re-assigned in physical configuration
[STX-85802] Error generating map in ticketshop
[STX-84739] Missing images for rooms in REST API
[STX-86259] CITM- Incorrect operation of accounting when resaling several tickets
[STX-87441] Order summary document for ticket portal was generated even it is not configured in document to sent
[STX-87012] Visit pass - Planning Calendar in BO - Filter by Guide not working properly
[STX-86114] Impossible to differentiate the performances when has the same date in the package parametrization
[STX-85997] Unavailable method should be hidden when modify payment or payment with installment
[STX-85211] Error when trying to do an exchange or a refund
[STX-80228] CLONE - CLONE - Tnac > turnstile go off line after each installation
[STX-84688] Absence de l'Etat d'une adresse aux Etats-Unis = redirection vers la page pour compléter son profil sur Internet
[STX-85364] Site_nomPublic bugged - ticket template
[STX-87118] Wrong Zuora Unit Of Measure
[STX-85280] Row numbers not linked to the row Beta Seat Map - FIFASTX-36
[STX-86064] [WMAG] Strange behavior when selecting a product from the carousel - always
[STX-86581] Ticketshop : message for Chinese characters should be in red color
[STX-86863] Display issue for optimal selection view mode
[STX-85089] Public description is displayed incorrectly on Pass Book
[STX-87192] Visit pass sales tolerance is not respected in touch cart
[STX-86260] ONP- Refund batch is refunding ticket from other payment method
[STX-86653] CLONE - Blocks can not be re-assigned in physical configuration
[STX-87164] CLONE - CLONE - Blocks can not be re-assigned in physical configuration
[STX-87221] Season ticket holder reservation batch does not end the execution correctly
[STX-85985] Missing information when duplicate a logical configuration
[STX-87157] Generic error message while paying installment of pending account
[STX-86587] Missing TPV Number in multiple payment Check + Credit card
[STX-86317] ONP- Closure of cash desk on suspended sales channel should not open a new cash desk
[STX-85769] Event Complement Name is truncated when loading in Slider
[STX-85946] Can't execute the batch "cancel single performance" if the dispatch refund batch was planned
[STX-86615] When changing categories, colors on the map are only updated after saving and not immediately
[STX-85757] ONP - Old reports : old authorization are still present
[STX-86727] Product date is not repeated in the excel export of reports
[STX-87036] Report "Configuration du produit pour FNAC" (Product configuration subtopic) displaying wrong information
[STX-87037] Error message when generating personalised report "Planning TOUS GUIDES"
[STX-85753] ONP - Balance displayed in Invoice screen is always 0
[STX-86869] Unable to search the contact with mobile number
[STX-86924] The content of email template is incorrect
[STX-86642] Highlight the campaign if the execution of the batch is on error
[STX-86929] URGENT - Contacts are not correctly associated to an advantage
[STX-85957] CLONE - Back-office: wrong country when entering a new relay in a structure
[STX-85805] CLONE - The interface type exports->export from query doesn't take in accoun the filed format parameter
[STX-86947] Adding a non binary gender in TIXnGO plugin
[STX-87106] Ticketshop : cannot filter by venue FIFAT
[STX-85145] Compte d'attente. Historique inexploitatble
[STX-86948] Technical error while generating invoice
[STX-87179] Batch to compute metrics for the emails campaigns fails due to a technical error
[STX-82725] [WMAG] Currency not displayed correctly on the receipt, one receipt affected
[STX-87015] CLONE - Slow save of pass visit with a big number of visit
[STX-85716] [MDP] Visit Pass for groups is showing a wrong range of group capacity.
[STX-85368] Cannot delete a logical configuration when has some logical seat categories link to an activity profile
[STX-87186] The background image of the header does not appear on landing page
[STX-85625] Menu "Access control" is not translated to CA, it displays in EN
[STX-87550] The background image of the header does not appear on the ticket shop landing page
[STX-87662] Custom footer not showing in landing page, but showing in the rest of the pages in the ticket shop
[STX-87529] The batch for computing campaign return of investment fails systematically
[STX-87542] It is impossible to duplicate email templates from SAM when SecuTix is used with spanish language due to an error
[STX-87541] An error occurs in the inter-institution interface when executing an importation of catalog from another institution
[STX-87382] The TIXnGO inject batch fails due to barcodes not correctly generated
[STX-87489] UEFA PP15 - Room pitch view wrong on ticketshop
[STX-87363] UEFA PP15 - Gravity page does not load footer
[STX-87166] Inconsistent result of report "Product Followup" between grouping filters
[STX-86821] Too short validity range of the transport in package with a non-dated pass
[STX-86822] URL Link Color in Newsletter Campaign are not corresponding to SecuTix SAM BAT
[STX-86866] UEFASTX-270 - Send PDF Copy of invoices batch is not working as expected - empty first pages
[STX-86316] ONP - Contingent propagation : missing warning message
[STX-86868] Non numbered area not visible on map and on unnumbered logical contingents
[STX-86112] Supending Timeslot in bulk is not working
[STX-86807] Create an invoice : default value for flag 'Display only not solded order' has changed
[STX-86430] Error while running campaign
[STX-86956] Product r
[STX-87341] SAM Sender Policy Framework validation does not accept email address with sub domains
[STX-86699] Ticket holders are empty when open from file details which contains championship season ticket
[STX-84883] Cannot Delete Hospitality Product
[STX-87561] Issue with the picture on the BAT
[STX-87387] External description of the performance does not override the event description in ticketshop landing page
[STX-87053] Money refund from the resale platform doesn't go on the good contact
[STX-87784] Exchange order : cancellation overheads should have a positive amount
[STX-87404] Season tickets with performances that belong to different topics are not displayed correctly in the ticket shop
[STX-85954] CLONE - Autocompostage: Tickets were not controlled immediately after order was closed
[STX-86588] Suspended workcases due to many external movements link to 1 movement
[STX-86253] Incorrect result for report "Room Availability"
[STX-87115] Exporting unsupported product families to external access control blocks the synchronization
[STX-86701] Zip code validation for some countries is wrong in internet sales channel
[STX-86648] For some seats it is not possible to do any modifications then save in AMS logical configuration
[STX-87030] CLONE - Remark not updated into file remark
[STX-86776] TS Catalog synchronisation can be blocked by removing a logical configuration
[STX-87209] Error while creating a new package by copying from previous season due to past start dates of comfort variables
[STX-87233] The execution of "Export file treasury" batch fails due to a technical error
[STX-87682] Error executing batch to compute metrics for emails campaigns due to large tracker links
[STX-86662] Internal cache issue causing interface errors and sales los
[STX-87145] Cannot export reports from TnAC
[STX-85085] Background image not saved in BETA Seat Map editor - FIFASTX-35
[STX-87165] Can't delete reserved package inside a partially paid file
[STX-85147] extrême lenteur [add new indicator for rest call]
[STX-86362] Wrong message when creating a value in List of values
[STX-85604] TS missing translation
[STX-85324] Incorrect translation
[STX-85958] Cup scheme - Remove the need for the withdrawal flag
[STX-85951] CLONE - The SwissPass has no zip code, The label is wrong
[STX-85766] Category colours and information not visible after saving - logical configuration
[STX-85755] The material "Screen/Écran public" do not display if we use SecuTix in ES, for EN and FR is OK
[STX-84778] The scrolls are going back to the top when you click any button
[STX-85103] Impossible to mass delete labels - POS
86615] When changing categories and colors on the seat map, they are only updated after saving and not immediately
[STX-86727] Product date is not repeated in the Excel export of reports
[STX-85753] Balance displayed in invoice screen is always zero
[STX-86869] Unable to search the contact using the mobile phone number
[STX-86924] The content of the email templates is incorrect
[STX-86642] Campaign identifier should be listed in a batch execution that ends in error
[STX-86929] Contacts are not correctly associated to an advantage
[STX-85957] Back-office: wrong country is selected when entering a new relay in a structure
[STX-86948] A technical error occurs when generating invoices
[STX-87179] Batch to compute metrics for the emails campaigns fails due to a technical error
[STX-85716] Visit Pass for groups is showing a wrong range of group capacity.
[STX-85368] It is not possible to delete a logical configuration when this has some logical seat categories linked to an activity profile
[STX-87186] The background image of the header does not appear on the ticket shop landing page
[STX-87662] Custom footer not showing in landing page, but showing in the rest of the pages in the ticket shop
[STX-87529] The batch for computing campaign return of investment fails systematically
[STX-87542] It is impossible to duplicate email templates from SAM
[STX-87541] An error occurs in the inter-institution interface when executing an importation of catalog from another institution
[STX-87382] The TIXnGO inject batch fails due to barcodes not correctly generated
[STX-87166] Inconsistent result of report "Product Followup" between grouping filters
[STX-86821] Too short validity range of the transport in package with a non-dated pass
[STX-86822] URL link color in newsletter campaigns are not corresponding to SecuTix SAM preview tool
[STX-86866] Send PDF copy of invoices batch is not working as expected, and creates documents with first pages empty
[STX-86868] Non numbered areas are not visible on the seat map and on unnumbered logical contingents
[STX-86112] Supending timeslots in bulk is not working
[STX-86807] Create an invoice : default value for flag 'Display only not solded order' has changed
[STX-86956] Product receipts report: sold quantity is not correct
[STX-87341] SAM Sender Policy Framework validation does not accept email address with sub domains
[STX-86699] Ticket holders are empty when open from file details which contains championship season ticket
[STX-87561] Pictures are not displayed correctly in the SAM preview tool
[STX-87387] External description of the performances does not override the event description in ticketshop landing page
[STX-87053] Money refund from the resale platform is not returned to the correct contact
[STX-87784] Exchange order : cancellation overheads should have a positive amount
[STX-87404] Season tickets with performances that belong to different topics are not displayed correctly in the ticket shop
[STX-86588] Suspended workcases due to many external movements link to one movement
[STX-86253] "Room Availability" report is displaying wrong data
[STX-87115] Exporting unsupported product families to external access control blocks the synchronization
[STX-86701] Zip code validation for some countries is wrong in internet sales channels
[STX-86648] For some seats it is not possible to do any modifications and save in seat map logical configuration screens
[STX-86776] The ticket shop catalog synchronisation can be blocked by removing a logical configuration
[STX-87209] Error while creating a new package by copying from previous season, due to past start dates of comfort variables
[STX-87233] The execution of "Export file treasury" batch fails due to a technical error
[STX-87682] Error executing batch to compute metrics for emails campaigns due to large tracker links
[STX-86662] Internal back office caching issues are causing interface errors
[STX-87145] Exporting reports from access control is not working due to an error
[STX-85085] Background images are not saved in the new seat map editor
[STX-87165] It is not possible to delete reserved packages inside a partially paid file
[STX-86362] The wrong error message is displayed when creating a value in "list of values" screen
[STX-85958] Cup scheme: remove the need for the withdrawal flag
[STX-85766] Category colours and information not visible after saving a logical configuration in the new seat map editor
[STX-85886] JSON seat maps cannot be deleted from the
new seat map editor
The alignment between product title and product image is wrong in the ticket shop
The seat map stage picture for seats cannot be uploaded
The search filter in SAM is not working if
the full name is entered
Reports are not working correctly after a deactivation/reactivation of the product family 'visit pass'
[STX-86711] Incorrect french translation for product base price
inside packages
[STX-87291] Lottery re-integration
failing because of a wrong shipment mode
[STX-85240] Suite du ticket 57005 : vérification du code Luhn mais "non bloquant"
[STX-85356] Add a config key to hide unique logical conf selection view of package
should display a clear error message
[STX-87251] when the number of characters for the match description exceeds the limit,
a clear error message should be displayed
[STX-85032] text not aligned - beta seat map editor
[STX-85179] When navigating horizontally with the arrow, it slightly moves vertically
[STX-86037] Wrong Spanish translations
85032] Some labels are not aligned in the new seat map editor