Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

New features

[STX-88232] Alipay - Second wallet integration

Bug fixes


SLOT16 / All customers: slowness

Slowness and technical


errors due to

applicative OOM

memory issues


90357] Export cleansing new format > Wrong value of paymentType column.[STX-

90129] Special cases for Gigya login

on ticketshop - special cases to improve

in ticket shop needs to be improved

[STX-89945] In the box office, the calendar raises errors when the operator


has reading rights only

[STX-90147] Technical error when registering the accounting interface mapping on an event

[STX-90212] Old lottery contacts

unsynched to backend

are not synchronized with the SecuTix back office due to illegal characters


Unsynched contacts

Lottery contacts are not synchronized with the SecuTix back office due to missing compulsory data

[STX-90245] Internal


names of blocks are deleted when a file is added to the physical configuration

[STX-89874] [LATAM] Payment method per event - logos in lateral banner in TS

[STX-89178] Sporadically, seatmap seating action is blocked due to a technical error



Selecting the best seat automatically for non-numbered


areas is not working



[STX-90174] In Lottery portal, when applying for tickets, a validation error message displays





It is not possible to delete seats with the new seat map editor tool

[STX-90054] The


ticket shop catalog is taking too long to update for large institutions


90320] UEFA P15 - Issues with BillTo contact change for reverse charge operations[STX-

88201] Option orders can in some circumstances be created without a main contact

[STX-88841] Inconsistent display of the ticket shop landing page

on IE

when using Internet Explorer 11





Slimpay's answer to confirmation batch is paginated

and SecuTix

. This is not

ready for that

supported correctly by SecuTix

[STX-89637] TIXnGO interface


: SecuTix


sends the "event start time" instead of "gate opening time"

[STX-89428] The order of performances are not the same between "Season ticket conditions" page and "Control" page

[STX-89427] The province "La Rioja" is not available in the contact creation fields, but the capital "Logroño" is displayed at its place

[STX-89850] URL encoding in SAM template


modifies the url

and the url

, which is not


working correctly anymore

[STX-85856] Sporadically, payment transactions are correctly handled but are flagged as in error

[STX-89208] In a package with visit pass, the price selection popup of the dependent line displays the price of the parent line

[STX-89267] Impossible to modify group visit information when buying a group visit pass within a package


Wrong spanish

Some Spanish translations are incorrect

[STX-85593] Product receipt report: Values of "Filling Rate Net Res. and Sold T" are incorrect


84934] [ZPDB] probleme avec les billiets deux jours[STX-

88757] Some German translations are incorrect

[STX-88255] Some province


names are wrong for Spain

[STX-88124] It is not possible to choose directly the seats for an advantage in the box office

[STX-90420] Many documents are printed with incomplete address: zip code and town are not displayed