Step 1 - Cancellation: The execution of this function will cancel the sales orders and create a refund order. If the order contains several sessions/matches, the batch will selectively process the transaction for the cancelled sessions and only refund those operations. The batch also supports the reimbursement of sessions/matches sold within a package, subscription or season ticket. Payment of the refund order is created with a new payment method "Refund Requested".
Note: If you would like to refund simple charges (ex: Taxes setup as fees for US institution using multi-currency) please make sure to add the Custom parameter "refundCharges=true" on the General tab of the Batch Configuration screen.
Warning | ||
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Field name | Description |
Batch Size | The batch size defines the number of folders that will be taken into account during execution. |
Filters | |
Organisation | Organisation filter to reduce the search filter on the Season. |
Season | Season filter to reduce the search filter on the Activity. |
Activity | Activity filter to select events, event, visits... |
Event/Competition to be reimbursed | Competition or event for which the match or session is to be reimbursed. |
Performance(s)/Match(es) to refund | One or more matches/sessions to be reimbursed. Only matches/sessions of a competition/event can be selected. |
Contingent | This filter makes it possible to repay the sales of a specific contingent. If no contingent is selected, then all contingents will be taken into account. |
Seat c | Allows you to choose to repay operations of a specific seat category. If no seat category is selected, then all categories will be taken into account. |
Tariffs | Allows you to choose to refund operations of a specific tariff. If no tariff is selected, then all tariffs will be taken into account. |
Sales channels | Allows you to choose to refund operations of a specific sales channel. If no sales channel is selected, then all sales channels will be taken into account. |
Payment methods | Allows you to choose to refund operations of a specific payment method. If no payment method is selected and the Exclude radio-button has been checked, then all payment method will be taken into account. |
File Number(s) to be excluded from the cancellation process. Max 400 file numbers, separated by commas. | |
File numbers | File Number(s) that must be handled by the batch. Max 400 file numbers, separated by commas. |
Contact numbers | The contacts that must be excluded by the batch (not impacted by the batch). Max. 400 contacts numbers, separated by commas. |
Tickets to process | Allows you to choose to target any tickets or any tickets on resale. If "Any tickets open for resale" selected, you can pick if you want to cancel all tickets on resale (Both) or Retained (formely Private) tickets or Released (formerly Public) tickets |
Refund Configuration | |
Sales Channel | The sales channel on which the refund order will be created. |
Point of Sale | The point of sale on which the refund order will be created. |
Reason for Refund | A field to choose a cause for the refund. |
Refund type | A field to choose the type of refund. |