Image ModifiedAccess Control – Check 1
- This can be done from the office as it’s reconciling numbers and details between SecuTix and your Access Control System
- Reconcile SecuTix/ Access Control System (ACS) if it's not TNAC to ensure you have the correct number of Card ids /Match Tickets in both systems. A Product Revenue report will give you high-level numbers whereas a ticket list report will give you more detail
- Make sure whitelisted barcode number match between Access Control System (ACS) and S 360
- Check the barcode number is the correct format supported by the Access Control System (ACS)
- Check cancelled tickets e.g., refunded tickets are invalid in the Access Control system (see checks further down)
Image ModifiedAccess Control – Check 2
For the following
- Valid Tickets scan and pass access control check all tickets category/contingent to be checked with TIXNGO to avoid NFC issue or Barcode de encryption issue
- Season Tickets that fail return the correct failure
- Wrong Entrance
- Card Invalid
- Already Scanned
Image ModifiedAccess Control – Check 3
For the following checks you will be required to re-print Season Tickets and Match Tickets other other product Tickets
- Re-print a Season Ticket card
- Check the original is invalid
- Check the new card is valid
- It may take the new card a few minutes before being valid.
- Check a Season Ticket Card printed as a Match Day Ticket
- Card is invalid for the game
- Match Day Ticket is valid
- Check a re-printed Match Day Ticket
- Original Match Day Ticket is invalid
- New Match Day Ticket Scans