Domain - Attendance
Domain description
This domain contains attendance statistics and corresponds to the view D_ANALYTICS_ATTEND_V1_0 in which:
1 record = 1 movement with information related to:
The related product
- The related ticket (if any)
The date-time at which the ticket (if any) has been checked the first time
related tariff
The geographical area (accuracy level: postal code) of the ticket holder
Sales channel
A record is identified in a unique way by means of the following attributes: T_MOVEMENT_ID
This domain is available since Matterhorn V3 and has been refactored during Whymper V1.
Domain's columns description
The following link contains more information on the data of the domain: D_ANALYTICS_ATTEND
Important remarks
- This domain has been significantly refactored during Whymper V1 in order to improve the performances of the update process. Previously, it was containing pre-aggregated data. More precisely, before Whymper V1, a record was describing the usage
- of a given ticketing product by persons located within a given area and entitled to the same tariff within a
- time frame of 15 minutes. Each record was therefore matching several movements. The data c
- This design change at domain level has an impact on the BI
- developers but has no consequences on the users of the reporting tool. Indeed, the reporting tool performs the aggregations that was previously performed by the domain itself.