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File format for Single Entries

The generic file format is described in Generic file format (Extended). This documents describes all available import fields.

Each line import one single ticket. If an existing order contains several tickets with the same seat category, same tarif, same contingent, they have to be duplicated.


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Field codeField typeMandatoryDescription

Institution code owning the data to be imported.


Organization code owning the data to be imported.
If leave it empty, the institution code will be used.


If leave it empty, order number will be set while importing by default.
One line is one ticket. So each line is a unique order number if leave it empty.
Many tickets can be in an order if leave them the same order number. This number can be started from 1 in a new data file. Then it will be given new one while importing.
This will be file number also.


Buying date.
If leave it empty, it will be imported date by default.


Allowed values: SALE or RESERVATION.

CONFIRMATION_DATEDateNoExpiration date to confirm reservation.
REMARKText 2000NoInternal remark of order.


NumberNoContact number who buys the order.
If leave it empty, the sale will be anonymous by default.
ORIGIN_COUNTRYText 50NoCountry of buying contact (only if Buying contact is not specified).
ORIGIN_REGIONText 50NoRegion of buying contact (only if Buying contact is not specified).
ORIGIN_ZIPCODEText 50NoZip code of buying contact (only if Buying contact is not specified).
SEASONCodeYesSeason code of the event/competition.
EVENTCodeYesProduct code of event/competition.
START_TIMETimestampYesThe performance start time of the event or the match start time of the competition.
TARIFFCodeYesTariff code. It is looked up first in a mapping table and if not found, it will checked against a code of the tarifs in SecuTix.
CONTINGENTCodeNoContingent code.
SEAT_CATEGORYCodeYesSeat category code.
PRICEAmountYesPrice of ticket * 100 (so that 25$ = 2500).
CHARGEAmountNoCharge of ticket * 100 (so that 1$ = 100).
VATPercentageYesIf leave it empty, it will be 0 while importing by default.
Vat rate in percent * 100 (so that 1% = 100).
Choose the rate that active and valid following this:
Valid from date of vat rate <= ORDER_DATE <= Valid to date of vat rate.
PAYMENT_DATEDateYes if SALEIf leave it empty, the operation type is SALE and the price is not 0, the order date will be used by default. Means it can be imported date if the order date is not given.
SEAT_NUMBERSeatNumberYesIf leave it empty, the operation type is SALE and the price is not 0, the order date will be used by default. Means it can be imported date if the order date is not given.
CULTURAL_CONTACT_NRNumberNoContact number who is ticket holder.
If leave it empty and first/last name are empty, the buying contact will be used by default. Means it can be imported as anonymous if the buying contact is not given.
BENEFICIARY_FIRSTNAMEText 50NoBeneficiary first name (only if cultural contact is not specified).
BENEFICIARY_LASTNAMEText 50NoBeneficiary last name (only if cultural contact is not specified).
TICKET_STATEEnumYes if SALEIf leave it empty, the operation type is SALE, it will be NOT_PRINTED by default.
GENERATION_DATETimestampYes if PRINTED or CONTROLLEDIf leave it empty and the ticket has been printed or controlled, the order date will be used by default. Means it can be imported date if the order date is not given.
BARCODEText 50Yes if PRINTED or CONTROLLEDIf leave it empty and the ticket has been printed or controlled, it will be generated following import rules by default.
TAX_NUMBERText 50Yes if PRINTED or CONTROLLEDIf leave it empty and the ticket has been printed or controlled, it will be generated following import rules by default.
SHIPMENT_DATEDateNoIf leave it empty, the order date will be used by default. Means it can be imported date if the order date is not given.
SHIPMENT_MODECodeNoIf leave it empty and the ticket has been printed or controlled, it will be imported following import rules by default.
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