Published — v. 8
Introducing new ways to create Events

Introducing new ways to create Events

To improve injection efficiency and performance, we are introducing a new approach to event creation, decoupling it from ticket injection. This change eliminates the issue of redundant event information being sent repeatedly without updates in TIXNGO.

What does t

We have introduced a new set of API endpoints that allow creating, retrieving, and updating events independently of ticket operations. 

Additionally, non-S-360 customers can now create events through a simplified back-office screen and directly add additional ticket rules (activation rules, transfer rules, design rules) from the back-office.

Once fully integrated with S-360, events will no longer be created during the same API call as ticket injection, boosting injection performance by reducing payload size and simplifying the backend flow.

Therefore, until S-360 integration is completed, S-360 tickets injection will behave as of now.

Improved Back-Office UX

Introduction of the "Create event" screen

If enabled, a new menu entry "Event Creation" will be visible for ADMIN and TIXNGO_SUPPORT back-office users, within "ORGANIZER" section.

Once clicked, the "Create event" screen will be loaded, allowing you to enter the minimum information required to create a viable event.

Once the form filled, click "Create event". The event will be provisioned and you'll be redirected to the "Edit event" screen.

Introduction of individual action buttons to create activation, transfer and design rules

While capitalizing on the new "Edit Event" screen and standardization of tickets rules (activation & transfer), organizers will be now able to create individual rules directly from the back-office.

After creation from the back-office, the event won't have any Activation, Transfer or Design Rules.

How to activate this feature ?

"Event creation" screen will only be available for non S-360 customers and configured accordingly during the on-boarding.

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