Domain - Access control
Domain description
This domain contains the access control history and corresponds to the ciew D_ACONTROL_TICKETCHECK_V1_0 in which:
1 record = 1 control performed on a ticket with information related to:
Control’s date and time
Control’s location (sector, gate)
Controlled product
Considered tariff
Sales channel
A record is identified in a unique way by means of the attribute T_TICKCHK_ID.
This domain is available since Piz Bernina V1.
Domain's columns description
The following link contains more information on the data of the domain: D_ACONTROL_TICKETCHECK
Domain - List of tickets
Domain description
This domain contains the list of tickets and corresponds to the view D_SHIPMENTTICKET_TICKETS_V1_0 in which:
1 record = 1 ticket with information related to:
Ticket holder (name, add
Ticket information (price, barcode, state,…)
Ticket purchase (order number, date, purchase contact)
Seat location (in case of performance or match)
Ticket delivery address
A record is identified in a unique way by means of the following attribute: T_TICKET_ID.
This domain is available since Matterhorn V3.
Domain's columns description
The following link contains more information on the data of the domain: D_SHIPMENTTICKET_TICKETS
Domain - Questionnaires
Domain description
This domain contains answers to questionnaires and corresponds to the view D_SHIPMENTTICKET_QSTNR_V1_0 in which:
1 record = 1 answer to the questionnaire’s question linked to a ticket (the questionnaire is optional) with information related to:
Ticket holder (name, address, structure in case of relay)
Question and answer
Ticket information (price, barcode, state,…)
Ticket purchase (order number, date)
Linked product
A record is identified in a unique way by means of all the following attributes : T_TICKET_ID, QUESTION.
This domain is available since Matterhorn V3.
Domain's columns description
The following link contains more information on the data of the domain: D_SHIPMENTTICKET_QSTNR
Domain - Mobile Ticket Status
Domain description
This domain contains the list of tickets and its mobile information retrieved from blockchain.
1 record = 1 ticket with information related to:
- SecuTix Ticket ID
- Ticket status: INJECTED (=Not on phone), DOWNLOADED (=On the phone of the original owner), TRANSFER_PENDING (=Transfer pending registration of new user), TRANSFERRED (=On the phone of another user), ONLINE_ACTIVATED, OFFLINE_ACTIVATED, DELETION_PENDING (N/A for now, getting ready for future), DELETED ....
- Current user, with all its details
- Activation details: date/time/beacon or manual/Phone model/Duration (first activation)
- Ticket assignee information (optional, only if entered and not owner, all fields)
Domain's columns description
The following link contains more information on the data of the domain: D_MOBILE_TICKET_STATUS
Domain - Mobile Ticket Transactions
Domain description
This domain contains the list of mobile ticket transactions and its detail information.
1 record = 1 transaction with information related to:
- SecuTix Ticket ID
- Transaction type: INJECT, TRANSFER, DELETE
- Transaction date and time
- Recipient, with all its details
- Sender user email and phone number (empty for inject and delete)
- Blockchain Transaction ID
Domain's columns description
The following link contains more information on the data of the domain: D_MOBILE_TICKET_TRANS