Each season contains tariffs that can be used in rates table.
When you create a new tariff, specific elements shall be configured:
- Audience Category:
- Free invited: meaning the tariff is for complimentary tickets (warning: it is not manselect another audience category here)
- Member community: shall be created to sell memberships, or tariff reserved to membership holders, to communities
- Member contact: shall be created to sell memberships, or tariff reserved to membership holders, to contacts
- Occasional community: shall be created to sell all products families (except season ticket / membership) to communities
- Occasional contact: shall be created to sell all products families (except season ticket / membership) to contacts
- Subscribed community: shall be created to sell season tickets, or tariff accessible to season ticket holders, to communities
- Subscribed contact: shall be created to sell season tickets, or tariff accessible to season ticket holders, to contacts
- Audience Type:
- Full Price: designate that tariff is full price
- Reduced 1 to 5: for reduced tariff. There is no operational difference between numbering sequence. The main impact is in SecuTix access control app: if you scan the ticket with our app, then tickets bought with a "reduced" audience type will trigger specific sign "1/2" indicating to the staff that this ticket has a reduced price. Depending on your business rules, staff can then proceed with some ID checks or proof of eiligibility
- Free: for complimentary tickets
In group sales process, quota management considers PURCHASE tickets as FULL PRICE + REDUCED, while COMPLIMENTARY tickets are associated to the FREE audience type.
M: these fields will impact the choice in the dropdown quantity selector on ticketshops.
Extends tariff of: to do
Conditional tariff: if you select tariff A, then tariff A must be selected by the customer in order to select the tariff you are configuring. A typical business case is to make the Child tariff available only if an Adult tariff is added.
Limitation: this does not work on season tickets.
Trigger quantity: if a conditional tariff is associated, then set the minimun quantity needed to make the current tariff available to the customer
Enable cross seat category condition: if checked, this feature will activate conditional tariff across categories. If not, the conditional tariff will be applied only within the selected category (see here)
Enable dependent maximum quantity: to do
External validation: see here
Request verification in all sales channels: see here
Require upload of proof of eligibility: if you want to ask customers to upload a proof of eligibility for this tariff. A typical example is to activate this feature for disabled customers who purchase reduced tariff for wheelchair tickets.
Contingent mapping: if you organise sales with a lottery, you can associate a contingent with a tariff.