Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Bug fixes



Hospitaity widget should not show real availabilities, except on B2B2C sales channels


Unwanted switch to another room (UEFASTX-1103)

 If there is no availability for the room passed as parameter in the hospitality ticketshop selection page URL, the next available room is selected and then added to the cart


Error with the parking batch

Parking batch is not working as expected


Change in the quota after validation

When editing planned quotas, it is possible to set quota smaller than availability


CLONE - [OLMA] RTI import one operation with ABANDON state with TICKET, causing that ticket is not blacklisted.

 Closing orders with large number of tickets finishes in a timeout, but tickets are still created


Wrong error message when deleting white list

 When trying to delete a white list, if the SecuTix language is set on German the message the client gets is wrong


CLONE - [BFCG] Advantage not showed correctly at the landing page.

 Multiple advantages on a product are not displayed correctly in the ticketshop landing page


CLONE - [REIMS] Button colors does not change

 Button colors are in the ticketshop landing page



Polish internal codes are not


correctly translated


Cannot choose seats of

 It is not possible to select seats for non-numbered areas in

one TS

the ticketshop seat map, when advantages are applied to it

[STX-85085] Background image is not saved in

BETA Seat Map editor - FIFASTX-35

new seat map editor

[STX-86258] Cannot view time


information on


calendar screens (by





[STX-86254] Missing zone


information for non-number


seats in


the "Cultural History" report

[STX-86474] The auto generated email "letter for partner" (accounting report domain) has wrong content


Error generating map in ticketshop

In some configurations, generating the seat map map for the ticketshop is not possible due to an error


P50: Error while filtering by Order

It is not possible to filter "list of tickets" report by order date


CLONE - CLONE - Can't buy

 Is is not possible to purchase event with a membership




86178] Enable "label.products.sportingEvent.versus" to be customizable on Landing Page / shopping cart[STX-

86648] For some seats it is not possible to


save any modifications

then save



logical configuration edit screens



 A technical error occurs when udpating the description of season ticket/package


Suite du ticket 57005 : vérification du code Luhn mais "non bloquant"

 Validation of credit card number formats should be keps as optional to help operators, and not completely discarded