Bug fixes
[STX-85882] UEFA - HOSP widget should not show real availabi
[STX-86003] Unwanted switch to another room (UEFASTX-1103)
[STX-86004] Error with the parking batch
[STX-86438] Change in the quota after validation
[STX-85827] CLONE - [OLMA] RTI import one operation with ABANDON state with TICKET, causing that ticket is not blacklisted.
[STX-85741] Wrong error message when deleting white list
[STX-86496] CLONE - [BFCG] Advantage not showed correctly at the landing page.
[STX-85797] CLONE - [REIMS] Button colors does not change in the landing page
[STX-86513] FIFAT - Polish internal codes are not included
[STX-86509] Cannot choose seats of non-numbered areas in one TS
[STX-85085] Background image not saved in BETA Seat Map editor - FIFASTX-35
[STX-86258] Cannot view timeslot info on Calendar (by Day/Week)
[STX-86254] Missing zone info for non-number seat in report "Cultural History"
[STX-86474] The auto generated email "letter for partner" (accounting report domain) has wrong content
[STX-85802] Error generating map in ticketshop
[STX-86179] P50: Error while filtering by Order date
[STX-86621] CLONE - CLONE - Can't buy event with membership tariff
[STX-86178] Enable "label.products.sportingEvent.versus" to be customizable on Landing Page / shopping cart
[STX-86648] For some seats it is not possible to do any modifications then save in AMS logical configuration
[STX-86612] Technical error when udpating description of season ticket/package
[STX-85240] Suite du ticket 57005 : vérification du code Luhn mais "non bloquant"