The General Accounting Export allow to account manager to have more control and capacity to solve issues immediately.
The general accounting export has basic initialization and custom parameterization available for every SecuTix customer.
Set up
Create an export interface of type "Accounting"
New Interface → Exports → Accounting
The field "Accounting code required" is not taken into account (will disappear in the future, for the moment set the "No" value).
Fill the values on the previous image, only Interface name is needed.
It is possible to generate two different reports, PNM or CSV formats.
New schedule:
Generate CSV accounting file
Generate PNM accounting file
Schedule fields
Name | Possible value or definition (if apply) | Default value | Mandatory |
01/01/2023 00:00 | - | No | |
30/06/2023 00:00 | - | No | |
Line types | Sales, VAT, Payments, Analytic, Sales Compensation, Payments Compensation | Sales, VAT and Payments | Yes |
Email recipient(s) | | - | No |
Ordering | Fields by which to order accounting lines in file created, separated by , | No | |
Amount formatting | 0.00 0,00 | 0.00 | Yes |
. , | . | Yes | |
Computed fields | Formulas to calculate values for each file column pasted one after another. Max capacity of the box 4.000 characters (Following custom parameter box format). See details below. (Default CSV formula or PNM formula, specified below) | - | No |
Yes | |||
Only order ids | Generate a file with only the specified orders. Notes: line type must be in capital letters: LINE_TYPE To put in descending order: field_name(DESC) | Ascending order by default for the specified field | No |
The file will be created with the especific header | Yes Only for PNM | ||
With headers | The file will be created with headers | Marked | Yes Only for CSV |
Encoding | UTF-8 | UTF-8 | No Only for CSV |
End of line | Unix / Windows | Unix | No Only for CSV |
Field separator | Separator of the values, example: ' ' space, ' ' tabulation | tabulation | No Only for CSV |
File to upload | Ignore |
* If this field is empty, when executing the schedule twice straight away, the result field will be empty, because the default behavior take the last execution date and there isn't data.
Available formulas and how to write it for "Computed fields"
Name | Syntax | Explanation |
Constant | "Constant text" | returns any text contained within " " **to include brackets () as part of constant text, each bracket must be preceded by - , e.g. " -(part á "&FORMAT(_vat_rate;0.00)&"% -)" **& symbol should be avoided as literal text wherever possible |
Variable | _field_value | returns value of field_value |
Mandatory | MANDATORY(_field_value) | field_value is mandatory and if no value given in raw data, file is not created and error is logged |
Format | FORMAT(field;format) | value of field will be formatted according to format Available Formats (for FORMAT() formula) 0.00 az09 → abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 ddmmyyyy mm.aaaa |
If | IF(logical_test;value_if_true;else) | if logical_test returns true, value_if_true will be returned (and analysed if it is a formula), otherwise else will be returned (and analysed if it is a formula) |
If error | IFERROR(value;value_if_error) | returns value if not empty/null, and if value=empty/null, value_if_error |
Or | OR(value_1;value_2;…;value_n);true_value;false_value | if any of the conditions (value_1, value_2, etc.) return true, returns true_value; if all of the conditions return false, returns false_value |
Concatenate | value_1&value_2&value_n | concatenates value_1 with value_2, etc |
Equal | value_a=value_b | returns true if value_a is equal to value_b, else returns false |
Default CSV formula
Code journal="ID" N de compte=IF(_line_type=SALE;_accounting_code_1;_line_type=VAT;_vat_accounting_code_1;_payment_method_internal_name) Piece="Ventes-"&FORMAT(_order_date;dd-MM-yyyy) Libelle=IF(_line_type=SALE;_name&" -(part à "&FORMAT(_vat_rate;0.00)&"%-)";IF(_line_type=VAT;"TVA collectée à "&FORMAT(_vat_rate;0.00)&"%";"Paiement "&_payment_method_internal_name)) Debit=IF(_credit_debit=D;_amount;0.00) Credit=IF(_credit_debit=C;_amount;0.00) Analytique=IF(_line_type=SALE;_accounting_code_2;"")
Default PNM formula
code_journal="VTE" date_de_piece=FORMAT(_order_date;yyMMdd) compte_general=IF(OR(_line_type=SALE;_line_type=ANALYTIC);_accounting_code_1;_line_type=VAT;_vat_accounting_code_1;_accounting_code_1) type_de_compte=IF(_line_type=ANALYTIC;"A";"G") compte_auxiliaire_ou_analytique=IF(_line_type=ANALYTIC;_accounting_code_2;"") reference_ecriture=_invoice_nu
Available fields for formulas
Field name | Example value |
_order_date | 25.02.2023 |
_payment_date | 25.02.2023 |
_order_id | 20995 |
_line_id | 10228546422575 |
_accounting_code_1 | Visa / Credit / Pending / Voucher |
_accounting_code_2 | 700000 |
_accounting_code_3 | CA9 |
_accounting_code_4 | |
_accounting_code_5 | |
_name | Gift voucher / Championship / Cap / Season ticket |
_item_date | 2022-10-14 18:30:00.0 |
_amount | 48000.00 |
_vat_rate | 5500 |
_vatcode_id | 15255 |
_operator_name | PLC_TS |
_contact_number | 10228546376027 |
_payment_sale | P / S |
_payment_currency | EUR |
_payment_method_code | CB |
_payment_method_internal_name | Carte Bancaire |
_card_type | VISA |
_amount_without_vat | 48000 |
_credit_debit | C / D |
_vat_accounting_code_1 | 44571402 |
_vat_accounting_code_2 | |
_vat_accounting_code_3 | |
_vat_accounting_code_4 | |
_vat_accounting_code_5 | |
_invoice_number | SPORT-0000021 |
_invoice_date | 08.01.2023 |
_purchaser_contact_number | 38791 |
_purchaser_structure_name | FEDERAL EXPRESS FRANCE |
_purchaser_first_name | Joe |
_purchaser_last_name | Bloggs |
_sales_channel_code | TS |
_sales_channel_internal_name | Ticketshop Grand Public |
_sc_accounting_code_1 | CA9 |
_sc_accounting_code_2 | 70121000 |
_sc_accounting_code_3 | |
_sc_accounting_code_4 | |
_sc_accounting_code_5 | |
_delayed_payment | Yes / No |
_logical_seat_category_code | Cat1 / Cat2 / Cat3 / Cat4 / Visitor |
_product_code | Park / Champ / Season |
_season_code | Y |
_file_number | 4578 |
_audience_category | FULL |