[STX-83060] BFCG - Bad query used in TicketShop cau
[STX-83095] Seating - automatic seating problem
[STX-83097] LCCC - Logical Configuration Summary report
[STX-83049] TFC - Handshake / Synchro statute :add the number of sold tickets where the refund has still not sent to Handshake - Each time that a refund is done and that a new handshake export has still not be done
[STX-82068] CLONE - Missing accent on French words for receipt
[STX-82804] ONP - Duplication of event keep the old code on performance
[STX-82169] Updated capacity of the hospitality room invisible on the new seat map
[STX-83040] Can't pay pending account
[STX-82344] New seat map - not possible to import logical configuration
[STX-81225] Transaction control screen: credit should not be displayed