Published — v. 5



The backoffice timezone is based on the browser's local timezone, ie your timezone.

Every date/time displayed in the backoffice is converted to a local timezone if no specific timezone is mentioned.

In other words

The Console display the Start Time (and all other time) in "Browser Time" so that the person using it sees it in the time zone they are in (offset is written in parentheses for StartTime).
The Mobile Application displays the time as it was injected, which should be the local time of the Event (standard ticketing).

Lets say a Ticket is injected for an Event that starts the 2020-01-01 at 20:00 in Lausanne (UTC + 1) the time sent in the injection batch should be "2020-01-01T20:00:00+01". Imagine this event is organized by an English company based in London.
On the Mobile
On the Console the Support Team based in London (UTC) will see Start Time 2020-01-01 19:00 (their local browser time). The purpose of this is that the Support Team see correctly when the event (and other time) will start based on their local time, meaning they won't have to make time conversion every time they look at something.

Profile page

The profile page allows organiser to see the information liked with their account, such as company name, address and the api_key needed to do call the TIXNGO API.
This page is only accessible via the "ADMIN" account of the organizer and lets organizer manage their different accounts (ability to create/delete new accounts with a specific role, see more in the Privilege section).

More details about User Roles : Backoffice | User roles and privileges

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