Back-office (Zumstein V1)
A new fixed seat season ticket for live entertainment (Fest Abo)
S-360 already provides the possibility for a season ticket holder to keep the same seat across the whole season if all the performances contained in the season ticket use the same logical configuration. This will often be the case for a championship season ticket containing the home games taking place in a given arena but more rarely in the life entertainment domain where seat configurations may vary. The Fest Abo pushes the "fixed seat" logic one step further by guaranteeing the same seat across several logical configurations belonging to the same physical configuration. This new logic has also been implemented in the season ticket renewal process and the management of the preferred seat.
Access control warnings on the seat map
You enjoy the "controlled ticket" view of the seat map for monitoring access control? You
Configure different product profiles to put/buy on resale.
Reselling open passes? You can now define different product profiles for your ongoing sales and what can be put on resale.
Keep mobile owner and cultural contact in sync
When the ticket status is sent back to S-360, in particular in the case of transfer, S-360 will automatically create a contact, if necessary, and assign that ticket to that contact, thus keeping the cultural contact of each ticket in sync with the current mobile ticket owner.
New injection filters
To better align with the diverse usage patterns across various institutions, we have enhanced our filtering capabilities within the TIXNGO Injection function.
Contingents instead of Sub-target Groups
The distinction between Target Groups and Sub-target Groups was not universally applied, so we've broadened the filter's functionality.
Perform partial refunds for payments with installation plans
You will now be able to perform partial cancellation/refunds with installment plan payments. More precisely, if an order with an installment plan has been created and one or more installments (but not all) have already been paid, it was sometimes impossible to cancel some items of the order and refund them by cancelling an installment remaining to be paid. This issue has been solved.
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