Gabelhorn V1.2
Bug fixes
[STX-86905] Multi-million amounts are not handled correctly in SecuTix, generating errors during purchases
[STX-87792] Ticket shops header background color not applying for the landing page
[STX-87780] Automatic sending reports and advantage mailing batch are sent every day when requested every week
[STX-88052] Distribution on ticket shop: the instruction on seat map is not clear
[STX-87921] Contact can't see advantages linked to many campaigns
[STX-87887] Ticket shop in flash mode does not display match and competition details
[STX-87797] SAP interface is not working in case of packages: the face value if not correctly computed
[STX-86867] Contacts that were deleted (closed accounts) on Secutix are still considered in the lottery synchronization batches, causing errors
[STX-87277] Setting up export to generate a CSV file does not work
[STX-87738] Technical error when generating order receipts for reservation/reservation cancellation operations
[STX-87584] Incorrect results when searching contacts by seat categories in SAM targets
[STX-87742] User is still able download tickets in distribution ticket pages even when the parameter "fisable download ticket" is selected
[STX-87885] Cannot open multiple SAM email templates at once
[STX-88128] It is not
[STX-88152] Events bought through tours are not stored with this information, making the logo of the tour not appear in tickets
[STX-88071] When finishing a payment with Worldline, the user is not automatically redirected to the confirmation page of the ticket shop
[STX-88234] Given the possibility to parametrize the field in the filter screen of the seatmp, contingent field is no more displayed by default
[STX-88083] Inconsistent result of report "product Followup" when using grouping filters
[STX-88072] Refund on Credit Card not possible when overheads are applied
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