Whymper V2.4
Bug fixes
[STX-83507] Translations in back office reporting screen are broken
[STX-83333] Season ticket transfer batch fails when a shipment is not linked to a contact
[STX-83326] Import template is in a wrong format when downloading it
[STX-83429] In some specific cases, the wrong season is
[STX-83570] In some configurations, contact limits are not taken into account correctly
[STX-83610] The rate table screen cannot be loaded completely while selecting a performance that doesn't have any rate tables
[STX-83083] Impossible to put automatically tickets in controlled state when belonging to an order converted from a reservation and that has a commission linked
[STX-83226] An error occurs while printing tickets using mass printing
[STX-82701] Payment is blocked when paying partially by voucher and the rest with a TPE
[STX-83129] Using the "between" variable in SAM generates an error
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